Friday, 5 November 2010

Simply Sneaks

A quick Friday post from me today because I want to make sure you all know that you're invited.. what is going to be one of the best blog parties of the year. It's a chance to celebrate all that's best about blogging. The friendships, the fun, the fast and furious world of blog giveaways. Oh yes, we'll have it all. Eight o'clock UK time. Saturday night. Won't you join us?

What's that? The sneaks? Here you go..

My little giveaway fomorrow night:

and then if you make it back here on Tuesday we'll be Passing The Book:

See you soon, then?


  1. You will *definitely* see me (I didn't need to be tempted by giveaways, but, you know....!)

  2. lots of red blue and white there - and your little giveaway looks intriguing. have fun! x

  3. oooooooooooh after last nights emailing disaster area now i am excited, seeing that lil logo i designed is so cute. looking forward to seeing your fabby post tomorrow night and pass the book sounds very intriguing this month
    Jo xxxx

  4. Ooh very exciting! I will see you tomorrow! :)

  5. Sneak peeks? Well I can see felt so that's got to be good and the book looks very intriging.

  6. Uh oh, my blog post is starting to look very unimaginative! That little pennant is so cute and I like the look of that book! Woohoo Party TIME!!!!

  7. MMmmmmmmmmmm.... X Factor or Party Time???
    PARTY TIME!! Never taken part in this before but sure looking forward to finding out more.
    Love the pennant and the intrigue.
    Off to my monthly crop tomorrow so hope I'll have lots to blog about when I get home :)

  8. Ooh, I didn't know about this but did take part in this class and loved it! How cool!

  9. Ooh, I didn't know about this but did take part in this class and loved it! How cool!

  10. Sorry not to be able to come but hope you all have a great time!


Thank you! I do love to know what you think