So This is Scrapbooking

So This is Scrapbooking is an idea I came up with in November 2012. This is how I introduced it:

What's it about? Well, what else but scrapbooking? I'm looking for guest posters to tell us their scrapbooking stories. I think we could all hold our hands up and say "I love to scrapbook and I've made lots of friends because of it". But I'd love to hear more than that. Much more. I'm inviting you to share specific, up close and personal experiences you have had thanks to scrapbooking. How has scrapbooking empowered you? What has it brought into your everyday life?

and you answered! The stories started to come in and I still have plenty more to share. 

We've had:
and we've got a home for more. So:

Tell us:

  • about an opportunity which opened up for you. Have you seen your name in print or won a prize?
  • about a scrapbooker you have met who has changed your outlook on life
  • have you started a small business related to scrapbooking? an etsy shop?
  • how you have reached right out of your comfort zone and discovered you can organise crops or classes.
  • how you have discovered you can do something you would never have believed possible - without scrapbooking
Does this sound like you? I'm going to be putting together some further guest posts to appear over the next few months and I'd love to hear from you. I'd like to encourage anyone who doesn't usually speak up to give this a go! I know you are there and I'd be happy to introduce you.If you fancy a guest spot, drop me an email (find my address on the typewriter, top left) and we'll talk. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!